Who are we?

The Mediterranean House of Climate "MMC" is a regional institution actively engaged in the fight against climate change. It was founded on February 28, 2018, by the Mediterranean House of Climate Foundation "FMMC" following the Royal letter from His Majesty, addressed to the participants of MedCOP Tanger on July 18, 2016, which paved the way for the establishment of a specialized hub for climate change in the Mediterranean basin.
Thus, the MMC works towards strengthening the capacity for action of Territorial Communities (CT) and empowering non-state Mediterranean actors in terms of mitigation, adaptation, and resilience to climate change by supporting them in the implementation of climate agendas (global, regional, national, and local). It has initiated events and programs in collaboration with territorial actors and international partners to fulfill its mission as a platform for expertise, experience sharing, initiatives, and solutions, aiming to support the territories and actors of our shared Mediterranean space in the ongoing fight against climate change, the effects of which are only intensifying.

General Assembly


Opening remarks of the General Assembly of Mediterranean Climate House Fondation

General Assembly

The Mediterranean Climate House organized Ordinary and Elective General Assembly, on June 06, 2022, at the Hotel Tour Hassan in Rabat, in order to examine the revised and completed founding documents, on the one hand, and to validate the strategic orientations. and operational actions, falling within its geographical and thematic fields of competence, on the other hand. These meetings will also be an opportunity to renew the governance bodies, whose mandate has expired.


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Cities & Regions Representative
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Our goals

Participate in advocacy and climate negotiations in the Mediterranean region.
Contribute to enlightening decision- makers around the Mediterranean, on main issues related to climate change at the local level.
Promote partnerships, cooperation and networking in the Mediterranean area;
Strengthen the capacities of local authorities and non-state actors to adopt effective approaches in their climate action.
Initiate and implement projects and actions to adapt, mitigate or build resilience to climate change.

Our goals

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